1.安装 Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
2.安装 you-get
brew install you-get
3.安装 FFmpeg
brew install ffmpeg
you-get 基本操作命令:
usage: you-get [OPTION]... URL...
A tiny downloader that scrapes the web
optional arguments:
-V, --version Print version and exit #显示版本并退出
-h, --help Print this help message and exit #显示基本命令
Dry-run options: (no actual downloading) #空运行/预检操作(没有实际下载内容)
-i, --info Print extracted information #显示提取下载信息
-u, --ur Print extracted information with URLs #获得页面所有可下载URL列表
--json Print extracted URLs in JSON format #获得以JSON格式的页面所有可下载信息
Download options: #下载选项
-n, --no-merge Do not merge video part #不合并视频
--no-caption Do not download captions (subtitles, lyrics, danmaku,...) #不下载其他文件(字幕,歌词,弹幕等)
-f, --force Force overwriting existing files #覆盖存在的文件
--skip-existing-file-size-check Skip existing file without checking file size #
-F STREAM_ID, --format STREAM_ID Set video format to STREAM_ID #选择下载哪种清晰度的视频
-O FILE, --output-filename FILE Set output filename #设定输出文件名
-o DIR, --output-dir DIR Set output directory #设定输出路径
-p PLAYER, --player PLAYER Stream extracted URL to a PLAYER #将提取的真实地址传给播放器
-c COOKIES_FILE, --cookies COOKIES_FILE Load cookies.txt or cookies.sqlite #导入cookies.txt或cookies.sqlite(firefox下使用export-cookies插件)
-t SECONDS, --timeout SECONDS Set socket timeout #设置代理的timeout
-d, --debug Show traceback and other debug info #显示traceback和其他的debug信息
-I FILE, --input-file FILE Read non-playlist URLs from FILE #仅下载链接的视频不下载列表
-P PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD Set video visit password to PASSWORD #
-l, --playlist Prefer to download a playlist #下载列表
-a, --auto-rename Auto rename same name different files #
-k, --insecure ignore ssl errors #
Proxy options: #代理选项
-x HOST:PORT, --http-proxy HOST:PORT Use an HTTP proxy for downloading #使用HTTP代理下载
-y HOST:PORT, --extractor-proxy HOST:PORT Use an HTTP proxy for extracting only #仅对真实地址视频文件的下载使用HTTP代理
--no-proxy Never use a proxy #不使用代理
-s HOST:PORT, --socks-proxy HOST:PORT Use an SOCKS5 proxy for downloading #使用SOCKS5协议代理
4.下载 B 站视频:
you-get -i https://www.bilibili.com/video/av47980227/
you-get -i https://www.bilibili.com/video/av47980227/ ✔
site: Bilibili
title: iphone7拆机视频教学
streams: # Available quality and codecs
[ DASH ] ____________________________________
- format: dash-flv480
container: mp4
quality: 清晰 480P
size: 53.3 MiB (55908950 bytes)
# download-with: you-get --format=dash-flv480 [URL]
- format: dash-flv720
container: mp4
quality: 高清 720P
size: 53.2 MiB (55831127 bytes)
# download-with: you-get --format=dash-flv720 [URL]
- format: dash-flv360
container: mp4
quality: 流畅 360P
size: 27.0 MiB (28326713 bytes)
# download-with: you-get --format=dash-flv360 [URL]
[ DEFAULT ] _________________________________
- format: flv720
container: flv
quality: 高清 720P
size: 72.1 MiB (75597467 bytes)
# download-with: you-get --format=flv720 [URL]
- format: flv480
container: flv
quality: 清晰 480P
size: 72.1 MiB (75633743 bytes)
# download-with: you-get --format=flv480 [URL]
- format: flv360
container: flv
quality: 流畅 360P
size: 36.7 MiB (38458470 bytes)
# download-with: you-get --format=flv360 [URL]
5.下载 B 站视频:
you-get --format=dash-flv720 -o /Users/drixn/Downloads/youget https://www.bilibili.com/video/av47980227/
you-get --format=dash-flv720 -o /Users/drixn/Downloads/youget https://www.bilibili.com/video/av47980227/ ✔
site: Bilibili
title: iphone7拆机视频教学
- format: dash-flv720
container: mp4
quality: 高清 720P
size: 53.2 MiB (55831127 bytes)
# download-with: you-get --format=dash-flv720 [URL]
Downloading iphone7拆机视频教学.mp4 ...
100% ( 53.2/ 53.2MB) ├████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████┤[2/2] 11 MB/s
Merging video parts... Merged into iphone7拆机视频教学.mp4
Downloading iphone7拆机视频教学.cmt.xml ...
6.下载 腾讯视频:
you-get -i https://v.qq.com/x/page/o0514n4g0o6.html
you-get -i https://v.qq.com/x/page/o0514n4g0o6.html ✔
Site: QQ.com
Title: BBC纪录片拍到抹香鲸吞食塑料桶 号召人们保护环境
Type: MPEG-4 video (video/mp4)
Size: 2.13 MiB (2229901 Bytes)
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